Portable Showers/ Lashing

Got Lashing Skills? Know your way around a PVC pipe? Then you might want to make something amazing for your campsite.

Shower Stall  
(3 X 3 X 6)

* 6 ¾ X 10’ PVC pipe
* 8 3-Way connectors to fit
* Tarp
* Something for floor inside stall

1.  Use a saw and cut the pipes
     Into 4 6’ lengths and
     8 3’ lengths
2.  Use the connectors and hook the pipes together
3.  Wrap tarp around outside of the frame and secure
4.  Hang sun bag or doubled black trash bag above stall.

Shower Stall/Dressing Vestibule  
(3 X 3 X 6) X 2

·      9 ¾ X 10’ PVC pipe
·      8 3-Way connectors
·      4 4-Way connectors
·      Tarps for outside and to drape inside between 2 sections
·      Floor

1.  Use a saw and cut the pipes
     Into 4 6’ lengths and
     8 3’ lengths
2.  Use the connectors and hook the pipes together
3.  Wrap tarp around outside of the frame and secure
4.  Hang sun bag or doubled black trash bag above stall.

Lashing Item Ideas

Bench, Table or Bed

Lashing Instructions

Clove Hitch
Used to begin square and tripod/sheer lashing

Timber Hitch

As well as being used to start a diagonal lashing, a timber hitch can be used as a temporary knot when you need to drag, tow or lift a log or pole. (see second diagram)

Square Lashing

Ø  Begin with a clove hitch underneath the spar to be supported (a).
Ø  Wrap the two ends of the rope together so that the short end is trapped and the clove hitch cannot come undone.  Wrap the rope first over one spar, then under the other, pulling tight all the time (b).
Ø  On the second turn round, go inside the previous turn of rope on the top but outside underneath the spars (c).
Ø  After three turns, apply three frapping turns which pull on the rope turns already made, making them even tighter (d).
Ø  Finish off with a clove hitch on the opposite spar to the one on which you started (e) 

Diagonal lashing

Ø  Begin with a timber hitch to draw the spars together (a).
Ø  Pull the knot at right angles and wrap three times around the spars, keeping the rope tight all the time.
Ø  Wrap three more turns, this time over the timber hitch (c).
Ø  Apply three frapping turns to pull the lashing tight (d).
Ø  Finish off with a clove hitch (d).

11 x stout staves 0.9m  (3ft)
10 x stout staves 1.2m  (4ft)
30 light lashings

·      The two side frames are built first using 4 x 1.2 m staves for each.  The seat support bars need to be 0.45m (18”) up from the bottom of the uprights ( a ).

·      Next, join the side frames using 4 x 0.9m (3ft) staves.
·      Another 0.9m stave is lashed to the seat support 0.2m (8”) in front of the back tie.
·      Lash 2 x 1.2m staves in place to support the back of the seat.
·      Use the remaining 0.9m (3ft) staves in place to form the seat and back rest.
·     If necessary, stabilize by lashing some diagonal bracing between the back legs.